Moving Beyond Land Acknowledgements to Decolonizing Mathematics Education Research. 15th International Congress on Mathematical Education. Sydney, Australia, July 7-14.

Preservice Secondary School Mathematics Teachers' Perceptions toward Students with Disabilities: A Preliminary Investigation. 46th Annual Meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Cleveland, OH, November 7-10.

Laura Van Zoest, Shekira Edgar and Offir Romero Castro attended the Spring Leadership Conference "Leading to Liberate", organized by the Tri-County Culturally Responsive Mathematics Institute in Livonia, Michigan.

All the team of the Empowerment in Equity (E^2) project attended the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. As a group, they presented the roundtable session "Retroactively Infusing Equity into Research Frames: Contributing to Dismantling Racial Injustice and Constructing Educational Possibilities".

Laura Van Zoest, Shekira Edgar and Offir Romero Castro attended the Annual Conference of the Michigan Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators at University of Michigan-Dearborn. Laura Van Zoest presented the session "Using preK-12 Equity Frameworks to Humanize Mathematics Teaching and Learning at the College Level", as well as Offir Romero Castro presented "Promoting Inclusive Classroom Environments toward Students with Disabilities".

Laura Van Zoest, Shekira Edgar and Offir Romero Castro attended the 28th Annual Conference of the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators in Orlando, FL. Offir Romero Castro presented the session "Am I being Inclusive toward Students with Disabilities".

Offir Romero Castro presented the session "Construction of an Inclusive Teacher Perception toward Students with Disabilities" as part of the 4th Faculty of Sciences and Technology Conference, organized by the Francisco Morazán National Pedagogical University (UPNFM) in Honduras.

Laura Van Zoest was a keynote speaker giving the presentation "Building on Mathematical Opportunities in Student Thinking" at the 6th International Turkish Computer and Mathematics Education (TÜRKBILMAT-6) Symposium in Ankara, Turkey.

Laura Van Zoest, Shekira Edgar and Offir Romero Castro attended the Annual North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education in Reno, NV. Offir Romero Castro and Laura Van Zoest gave the presentation "Developing a Survey to Access Mathematics Teachers' Perceptions toward Students with Disabilities".

Offir Romero Castro gave the presentation Accessing Mathematics Teachers' Perceptions toward Students with Disabilities at the 12th International Conference of Mathematics Education and Society (MES) in Săo Paulo, Brazil. This was joint work with Laura Van Zoest who attended virtually.

Offir Romero Castro, Laura Van Zoest and Imani Goffney attended the annual American Educational Research Association (AERA) conference in Chicago, IL. Imani Goffney and Laura Van Zoest presented their work, Does It Count if We Don't Say it? Concerns for Equity in Mathematics Education Research.

YJ Arciaga and Shekira Edgar were selected to attend the Colorado Conference for Underrepresented Students in Mathematics. They each presented their individual work to a room filled with Colorado State University faculty and undergraduate and graduate students from various institutions across the United States. Shekira presented a poster, Empowerment in equity: A MOST professional development analysis, and YJ gave a talk titled Empowerment in Equity.

Shekira Edgar, Imani Goffney, Laura Van Zoest and Offir Romero Castro attended the 27th Annual Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators (AMTE) Conference in New Orleans, LA. During this conference, they were able to expand their knowledge of equitable mathematical practices and make meaningful connections with other researchers in the field.